Lincoln, New Hampshire

Author: St Joseph Lincoln


The week before Ash Wednesday, the parish faith
formation students, along with their families and
teachers, took a break from studying about Lent
and enjoyed some fun at the Ice Castles. We are blessed to have
such an active faith formation program at St. Joseph’s that prays
and plays together!

Diocese of Manchester Safe Environment

How to Report Suspected Abuse:

      If you know of or suspect abuse or neglect of a minor (a person under 18), you must report it to the NH Division for Children, Youth and Families at 1-800-894-5533 or  603-271-6556.  As an employee or volunteer in the Catholic Church in New Hampshire, in addition to reporting to DCYF, if you know of or suspect sexual abuse of a minor by Church personnel you must also report it to:
· Local law enforcement and the Delegate for Ministerial Conduct if the abuse involves a minor.
q· Delegate for Ministerial Conduct if the abuse   involves a person who is no longer a minor.

  Delegate for Ministerial Conduct – 603-669-3100

Parish Safe Environment Coordinator: 
Paula King –

Faith Formation

Faith Formation News

The Faith Formation program celebrated the students’ and families’ hard work this past year with a pool party and take-out dinner from area restaurants. The water balloon toss was hilarious fun! We finished the evening with a visit to a local ice cream stand! 

Last year, four students received the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist; two received the sacrament of First Reconciliation; and one student completed her sixth year of lessons. All the students completed the content for their grade level by attending in-person and/or on-line lessons. Thank you to the parents and families who supported the children and made sure they stayed up-to-date on their lessons!

The celebration was funded with proceeds of the bake sale held over Memorial Day weekend. So much money was raised, we were able to purchase seasonal garden flags for the St. Francis garden and make monetary donations to the local food pantry and the NH Humane Society. Thank you to everyone who made the fundraiser so successful!

As we get ready to start a new year of Faith Formation, please keep our students and families in your prayers. With your help and support, our children can grow in their understanding of God’s love for them and learn how they can help spread the Good News through their actions.

If you have or know of a family that has a child(ren) in grades 1-6, please have them contact the rectory so they can register for the 2022-23 program.

Thank you again for all your support!

Paula King

Faith Formation News

Please keep in your prayers, Raylynne Shamberger and Sophia Schirduan as they prepare for First Reconciliation on May 26, 2022.

Also, prayers for Ollie Bujeaud, Max Fabrizio, Nolan Haynes , and Owen Schirduan as they prepare for Confirmation and First Eucharist on June 10, 2022 at 6 PM.


Faith Formation students will be holding a bake sale before and after Masses on May 28 & 29.  Proceeds from the sale will fund our end-of-year celebration.  Thank you for your support!

A Letter from Paula King


As of this weekend, our beloved Father Dave has moved on to St. Lawrence Parish in Goffstown, NH. We wish him all the best in his new assignment and know that his new flock will come to love him as much as we do. There were tears and laughter during the reception we had for him last week, and he certainly knows our prayers will follow him wherever he goes.

Thank you to Bishop Libasci for being here this weekend. Our Parish eagerly awaits news about our next pastor, and we look forward to welcoming him to “Our Church away from Home” as Father Dave so lovingly called our little parish in the mountains.

Looking ahead, we must remember we are a community of believers, and we owe it to Father Dave to keep his joy and love of Christ in our hearts. He set us on a trajectory of love for community and for the members of our Parish…it’s up to us to keep the momentum going. We’ll need each other as we move forward to support the wonderful events he loved and the spirit of community he fostered in us.

Paula King
Director of Religious Education
Chairperson of Parish Pastoral Council