Lincoln, New Hampshire

Category: Mass Intentions (Page 1 of 2)

Mass Intentions (Week of Jan 12)

For Saturday, January 11 through Sunday, January 19

Saturday, January 11Vigil of The Baptism of the Lord

4:30pm † Rafal Wolowski
By: Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Sunday, January 12The Baptism of the Lord
The Thirty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

7:30am † Huguette Dumont                                     
By: Marc Dumont

10:00am  The People of the Parish

Thursday, January 16 

8:00am Susan Whitman (living)
By: Parishioners of St. Joseph

Friday, January 17

8:00 AM † Nela Skibniewska
By: Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Saturday, January 18Vigil of The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30pm † Arnold Parker
By: Parishioners of St. Joseph

Sunday, January 19The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Thirty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

7:30am † Deceased members of Hajjar & Maki Families
By: Ray and Jane Maki

10:00am The People of the Parish

Mass Intentions (Week of Jan 5)

Vigil of The Epiphany of the Lord

Saturday, January 4 — 4:30pm Sandra Borgnis
By:  Susan Whitman

The Thirty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, January 5The Epiphany of the Lord

7:30am George Desjardins
By: The Parishioners of St. Joseph
10:00am Marianne and Robert Loranger, Sr.
By: Margaret and Doug Sweeney

Wednesday, January 88:00amMarianne and Robert Loranger, Sr.
By: Margaret and Doug Sweeney

Thursday, January 9 — 8:00amSol and Betty Hajjar
By: Ray and Jane Maki

Friday, January 10 — 8:00am † Andrea Lahey
By: Michelle Lahey

Vigil of The Baptism of the Lord

Saturday, January 11 4:30pm Rafal Wolowski
By: Jan and Gracie Wolowski

The Thirty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, January 12The Baptism of the Lord
7:30amHuguette Dumont
By: Marc Dumont
10:00 AM The People of the Parish

(† = Deceased)

Mass Intentions (Week of Dec 29)

Vigil of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Saturday, December 284:30 PMRev. Roger Bilodeau
By: Diocesan Statute

The Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost                                                                  

Sunday, December 29The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
7:30 AM Eleanor Traversy
By:  Dorothy and James Bertelli
10:00 AM The People of the Parish          

Wednesday, January 1 The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
8:00 AM The People of the Parish

Thursday, January 2 8:00 AMLouis Tosi
By: Dorothy and Jay Bertelli

Friday, January 3 8:00 AMMarty and Cookie Tarnok
By: The Tarnok Family

Vigil of The Epiphany of the Lord
Saturday, January 4 4:30 PMSandra Borgnis
By: Susan Whitman

The Thirty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, January 5 The Epiphany of the Lord

7:30 AM George Desjardins
By: The Parishioners of St. Joseph
10:00 AMMarianne and Robert Loranger, Sr.
By: Margaret and Doug Sweeney

Mass Intentions for the Week

Vigil of The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Saturday, December 21 4:30 PMBlanche Boyle                                                            
By:  Susan Whitman

The Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, December 22 The Fourth Sunday of Advent
7:30 AM The People of the Parish                                                                                  
10:00 AM † Tina Sutton         
By:  Ted Sutton

Vigil of The Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Tuesday, December 24 4:30 PM The People of the Parish

Wednesday, December 25 The Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
7:30 AM The People of the Parish           
 10:00 AM The People of the Parish          

Thursday, December 26 8:00AMThe Madore Family
By:  Dorothy and James Bertelli

Friday, December 27 8:00AMTheresa and Harold Bertelli
By: Dorothy and James Bertelli

Vigil of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

Saturday, December 28 4:30 PMRev. Roger Bilodeau
By:  Diocesan Statute

The Thirty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, December 29 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

 7:30 AM † Eleanor Traversy         
By:  Dorothy and James Bertelli
10:00 AM The People of the Parish          

Mass Intentions for the Week

Vigil of The Third Sunday of Advent
 Saturday, December 14 4:30 PMMary Jane and Clement Comesana, Sr.        
   By:  Ronnie Comesana

The Thirtieth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, December 15 The Third Sunday of Advent

7:30 AM † Huguette Dumont                                                  
By:  Marc Dumont
10:00 AM The People of the Parish         

Wednesday, December 18 8:00AM Ruth Noel
By: Dorothy and James Bertelli

Thursday, December 19 8:00AMChris Maki
By: Ray and Jane Maki

Friday, December 20 8:00AMJohn Dragat
By: Dorothy and James Bertelli

Vigil of The Fourth Sunday of Advent
 Saturday, December 21 4:30 PMBlanche Boyle
By:  Susan Whitman

The Thirty-First Sunday after Pentecost
The Fourth Sunday of Advent Sunday, December 22

7:30 AM The People of the Parish          
10:00 AM Tina Sutton          
By:  Ted Sutton

   († Deceased)

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