On Sunday, November 24, our Faith Formation teachers, students, and their families joined together to learn more about the Season of Advent. They assembled special Advent calendars and enjoyed each other’s company over a Subway lunch. The parish is blessed to have such an active and effective Faith Formation Program!
Category: Faith Formation (Page 1 of 7)
Faith Formation registration is open. Please register your child(ren) by September 13th. Classes start Sunday, September 15th at 9:00AM in the St. Anne Room.
We are gearing up for the 2024-2025 Faith Formation year. Registration information for families to register their child(ren) in grades kindergarten through sixth grade will be provided soon. Our Faith Formation program includes in-person classes and, for our older students, online lessons and monthly check-ins. For those students eligible to receive a Sacrament, there is additional preparation. We also have family events to celebrate the liturgical year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter), and we always end the year with a family celebration!
Please contact Paula King at stjlincolnFF@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns. God Bless!
Faith Formation classes have wrapped up for 2023-24! Ollie, Nolan, and Max have completed their formal lessons but will continue to contribute to our Mass Ministries on the weekends. They did most of their learning with their families at home this year. We met once a month to review and discuss their assignments and to catch up with one another. They have done a great job!
Raylynne received Confirmation and First Holy Communion this year. She worked very hard on her lessons, performed spiritual and corporal works of mercy, went on retreat, and went to confession to get ready for the sacraments. We are very proud of her!
Daevanie, Camille, and George faithfully attended classes, enjoyed lots of snacks, and learned a lot about our faith and how we can live to be more like Jesus. They also did a great job!
In addition to classes and lessons, the students and their families got together to create family Advent calendars, made a Lenten craft, attended Ash Wednesday Mass, led the Children’s Stations of the Cross, visited the Ice Castles, and made Easter goodie bags to distribute at the Easter Masses. Now and then the students would invite their younger siblings to join us for classes and special events. They are becoming young evangelists already!
On June 16, the families will gather one more time to celebrate our year and just have fun with each other!! Our plan is to play some mini-golf at Hobo Hills and enjoy some pizza and ice cream.
Thank you to everyone who supported the children in their year of Faith Formation. We look forward to next year when we continue on our journey! God Bless and have a great summer!!
Paula and Kathleen
The week before Ash Wednesday, the parish faith
formation students, along with their families and
teachers, took a break from studying about Lent
and enjoyed some fun at the Ice Castles. We are blessed to have
such an active faith formation program at St. Joseph’s that prays
and plays together!