Lincoln, New Hampshire

Category: Faith Formation (Page 2 of 6)


Paula King and the students of the St. Joseph Parish Faith Formation Program will lead “The Way of the Cross for Children” at 5:00 P.M. on Friday, April 1, 2022.  Please feel free to bring your children and grandchildren to join the students of the parish in prayer.  All are welcome to attend!

“Many Hands Make Light Work”

This familiar saying comes from Exodus 31, and describes how the ancient Israelites assembled materials and laborers to provide for adequate worship to God in the Jerusalem Temple.  Along these same lines, we are most grateful to the students in our parish’s Faith Formation Program for donating their time and energy on Sunday, November 21, to replace in the church pews the 2021 “Breaking Bread” missalettes with the 2022 editions.  Working together, they proved, indeed, that many hands make light work!

Faith Formation Update

Periodically, you will notice the children in our Faith Formation Program and their families greeting you as you arrive for Holy Mass, helping with the offertory collection, and handing you a bulletin as you go out to spread the Good News.  Our students are learning about hospitality and stewardship as part of their process of Christian formation and service to their parish community.  Please receive them as they, in turn, receive you!      

“Rule of St Benedict”

Let all guests who arrive be received like Christ, for He is going to say, “I came as a guest, and you received Me.”  Chapter 53:  On the Reception of Guests

This instruction from the “Rule of Saint Benedict” is followed closely by Benedictine monks in monasteries throughout the world.  It is also the motivation for the Greeters and Collectors at St. Joseph Parish here in Lincoln.  All are welcome in this place!

Periodically, you will notice the children in our Faith Formation Program and their families greeting you as you arrive for Holy Mass, helping with the offertory collection, and handing you a bulletin as you go out to spread the Good News.  Our students are learning about hospitality and stewardship as part of their process of Christian formation and service to their parish community.  Please receive them as they, in turn, receive you

Faith Formation

Faith Formation Update

Our Faith Formation program continues to provide opportunities for the children in our Parish to grow in their Catholic faith. We are using the Sophia Institute curriculum, approved by the Diocese of Manchester, which offers online content and activities designed to increase their knowledge of our catechism.

We have also offered opportunities for the families to gather together for shared faith activities. At the beginning of the Advent season, we got together on a Zoom meeting and created wreaths to help focus our attention on the blessings of the past year and our hopes for the future…an attempt to put a positive spin on a pandemic year which took so many things away from us. For the Lenten season, we met on Zoom again and created baskets to collect paper eggs that tell about the sacrifices we’re making for others and the ways we’re improving our prayer life.

Our second and third grade students will be preparing to receive their First Reconciliation right after Easter. Please keep them in your prayers as they get ready to experience God’s forgiveness and mercy.

May God bless and keep our children in His loving arms!

By Faith Formation team: Paula King & Annie Anderson

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