On Friday, Governor Chris Sununu extended the State Stay at Home Order. Bishop Peter Libasci has been closely monitoring the data from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services. Although there are positive signs the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has not spread to the level it could have if the stay-at-home order were not in place, the data shows that significant numbers of our fellow citizens continue to test positive and die from this virus. Our neighbors in Massachusetts also are experiencing a greater impact as the virus spreads much faster to our south. For these reasons, at this time, Bishop Libasci is keeping in place the decisions already implemented in this Diocese, including the suspension of the public celebration of the Mass. But in the meantime, preparations are actively underway for when we will gather together again, including how to maintain social distancing, how to limit capacity, and the procedures for the distribution of Holy Communion. Together, may we look forward not only to preparations for gradual re-entry attentive to public health but also to a glorious reunion and re-engagement into the Mystery of Faith.