Vigil of The Third Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 16
4:30 PM Mary Jane and Clement Comesana, Sr.  
By:  Ronnie Comesana

The Third Sunday of Advent
Twenty-ninth Sunday After Pentecost Sunday, December 17
7:30 AM Chris Maki (Birthday Remembrance)    
By:  Ray and Jane Maki
10:00 AM The People of the Parish            

Wednesday, December 20 8:00 AM  Mary Ann Aranyosi
By:  The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Thursday, December 21 8:00 AM Thomas Kattookaran
By:  Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Friday, December 22 8:00 AM Tina Sutton
By:  Ted Sutton

Vigil of The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 23 4:30 PM John and Lillian Sweeney
By:  Doug and Margaret Sweeney

The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Thirtieth Sunday After Pentecost
Sunday, December 24
7:30 AM The People of the Parish
10:00 AM  Suzanne Stark          
By:  Lynn Oliver

The Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord 4:30 PM

   The People of the Parish

Monday, December 25

The Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord

   The People of the Parish 7:30 AM

   The People of the Parish            10:00 AM