Vigil of The Epiphany of the Lord
Saturday, January 6  4:30 PM Sandra Borgnis                                     
By:  Susan Whitman

Sunday, January 7 The Epiphany of the Lord
Thirty-second Sunday After Pentecost

7:30 AM The People of the Parish                                     
10:00 AM  Marianne and Robert Loranger, Sr.          
By:  Margaret and Doug Sweeney

Wednesday, January 10 8:00 AM  Andrea Lahey
By:  Michelle Lahey

Thursday, January 11 8:00 AM Kazimierz Scislowski
By:  Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Friday, January 12 8:00 AM The Madore Family
By:  Dorothy and James Bertelli

Saturday, January 13 Vigil of The Epiphany of the Lord

  4:30 PM The People of the Parish

Sunday, January 14 The Epiphany of the Lord
Thirty-second Sunday After Pentecost

 7:30 AM  The People of the Parish
10:00 AM Herta Sutton          
By:  Ted Sutton