Vigil of The First Sunday of Lent
Saturday, February 17  4:30 PM Mary Jane and Clement Comesana, Sr. 
By:  Ronnie Comesana

Thirty-eighth Sunday After Pentecost
The First Sunday of Lent Sunday, February 18

7:30 AM  Fr. Mark Rundzio                                         
By:  Diocesan Statute
10:00 AM The People of the Parish          

Wednesday, February 21 8:00 AM  Fr. Marcel Allard
By:  Diocesan Statute

Thursday, February 22 8:00 AM Fr. “Bill” Bilodeau
By:  Diocesan Statute

Friday, February 23 8:00 AM  Souls in Purgatory
By:  St. Joseph Parish

Saturday, February 24 4:30 PM Darlene Morin Pitcher
By:  Susan Whitman

Thirty-ninth Sunday After Pentecost
The Second Sunday of Lent Sunday, February 25

7:30 AM  Huguette Dumont 
By:  Marc Dumont
10:00 AM The People of the Parish