Holy Saturday, March 30
No Confessions No 4:30 PM Mass

 7:00 PM  Easter Vigil The People of the Parish                                  

Easter Sunday, March 31 The Resurrection of the Lord
Forty-fourth Sunday After Pentecost
7:30 AM The People of the Parish                                                                   
10:00 AM The People of the Parish          

Wednesday, April 3 8:00 AM Paul Sisson
By:  Rita Bennett

Thursday, April 4 8:00 AM Monsignor Daniel Lamothe
By:  Diocesan Statute

Friday, April 5 8:00 AM  Monsignor Daniel Lamothe
By:  Diocesan Statute

Vigil of the Second Sunday of Easter 4:30 PM  Eduard Hunsdorfer
By:  Pat and Christine Walsh and Family

Forty-fifth Sunday After Pentecost
Sunday, April 7 The Second Sunday of Easter Sunday of Divine Mercy

 7:30 AM  The People of the Parish
10:00 AM Marianne Loranger          
By:  Margaret and Doug Sweeney