Vigil of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
(Corpus Christi)

4:30 PM The People of the Parish                                                                       

The Second Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, June 2 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
(Corpus Christi)

7:30 AM Riley and Ella Quinlan (Living)
By:  Steven Babin
10:00 AM Marjorie Long          
By:  Maureen and Jay Polimeno

Wednesday, June 5 8:00 AM Etienne Poirie
By:  Saint Joseph Parish

Thursday, June 6 8:00 AM Herta Sutton
By: Ted Sutton 

Friday, June 7 8:00 AM Michael Lyons
By: Saint Joseph Parish

Vigil of The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, June 8 4:30 PM Mary Jane & Clement Comasana, Sr.
By: Ronnie Comesana

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, June 9 The Third Sunday after Pentecost

 7:30 AM The People of the Parish
10:00 AM  Michael and Claudia Conlan (On Their 50th Wedding Anniversary) By: Michael and Claudia Conlan