St Joseph's Church

Lincoln, New Hampshire

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Celebrating the Feast of Saint Blaise

For centuries, the Memorial of Saint Blaise has been celebrated with crossed candles held under the throat of the Christian faithful and the invocation pronounced,

“Through the intercession of Saint Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from every disease of the throat and from every other illness. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Saint Blaise’s life is known primarily through legend written some 400 years after his death, yet the tradition of seeking his intercession and blessing throats lives on in countless parishes today. It is a good time to remember that when you come to God or seek the prayers of a saint or a blessing of some kind, you are not practicing magic or being superstitious: you are acting out your faith in God’s love and care.

See in the story of Saint Blaise an occasion to commit yourself again into God’s hands.

With prayerful best wishes,
Fr. John Mahoney

Mass Intentions (Week of Jan 26)

for Saturday, January 25 through Sunday, February 2

Saturday, January 25
Vigil of The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30pm † Robert Leclerc
By: Susan Whitman

Sunday, January 26
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

7:30am The People of the Parish

10:00am Kay Leland (Living)
By: Donna and Jack Daly

Wednesday, January 29

8:00am † All Souls Day Intentions
By: Parishioners of St. Joseph

Thursday, January 30

8:00 am † Nancy O’Brien
By: The O’Brien Family

Friday, January 31

8:00am † Nela Skibniewska
By: Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Saturday, February 1
Vigil of The Presentation of the Lord

4:30pm † Mike Leclerc
By: Susan Whitman

Sunday, February 2
The Presentation of the Lord
The Thirty-Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

7:30am † Jim Lahey
By: Donna and Jack Daly

10:00am The People of the Parish

(† = Deceased)

Mass Intentions( Week Jan 19)

For Saturday January 18 through Sunday January 26

Saturday, January 18 Vigil of The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30 PM† Arnold Parker
By: Parishioners of St. Joseph

The Thirty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, January 19 The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 AM† Deceased members of Hajjar & Maki Families
By: Ray and Jane Maki

10:00 AMThe People of the Parish

Wednesday, January 22
8:00 AM † Catherine “Kay” Labrecque
By: The Parishioners of St. Joseph

Thursday, January 23
8:00 AM † Marty and Cookie Tarnok
By: The Tarnok Family

Friday, January 24
8:00 AM† Herta Sutton
By: Ted Sutton

Saturday, January 25-
Vigil of The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30 PM† Robert Leclerc
By: Susan Whitman

The Thirty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Sunday, January 26 –
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

7:30 AMThe People of the Parish

10:00 AM Kay Leland (Living)
By: Donna and Jack Daly

(† Deceased)

Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Program

Lovely Lady dressed in blue,
Teach me how to pray.
God was just your little boy,
When you taught him the way.

The words of this prayer by Mary Dixon Thayer to the Blessed Mother were popularized by Archbishop Fulton Sheen on his famous television show in the 1950s.  Beginning with the first weekend of February 2025, the “Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Program” will begin here at St. Joseph’s Parish.  This initiative, sponsored by the Delaney Council of the Knights of Columbus, has taken root in over 40 Catholic parishes so far in New Hampshire.  When families welcome these traveling statues into their home, reportedly, they begin to experience an increase in peace among their families, and sometimes even miracles begin to happen.  

The Pilgrim Virgin Statue is available for individuals and families to take home on a month-by-month    basis, and is easily picked up and dropped off at the church to facilitate transfer from one family to the next.  It comes in a portable case, along with rosary beads and an instruction booklet to help increase prayer and devotion to the Blessed Mother.  

If you are interested, please contact Mary Pieroni at 603-745-7428 to schedule a home visit from the    Pilgrim Virgin Statue.  

With prayerful best wishes,

Fr. John Mahoney 

Mass Intentions (Week of Jan 12)

For Saturday, January 11 through Sunday, January 19

Saturday, January 11Vigil of The Baptism of the Lord

4:30pm † Rafal Wolowski
By: Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Sunday, January 12The Baptism of the Lord
The Thirty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

7:30am † Huguette Dumont                                     
By: Marc Dumont

10:00am  The People of the Parish

Thursday, January 16 

8:00am Susan Whitman (living)
By: Parishioners of St. Joseph

Friday, January 17

8:00 AM † Nela Skibniewska
By: Jan and Gracie Wolowski

Saturday, January 18Vigil of The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

4:30pm † Arnold Parker
By: Parishioners of St. Joseph

Sunday, January 19The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Thirty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

7:30am † Deceased members of Hajjar & Maki Families
By: Ray and Jane Maki

10:00am The People of the Parish

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