Vigil of The 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, September 2  4:30 PM Tina Sutton                                              
By: Ted Sutton

The 22nd Sunday in Ordinary
Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost Sunday, September 3

 7:30 AM Herta Sutton                                                        
By:  Ted Sutton
10:00 AM The People of the Parish

Wednesday, September 6 8:00 AM  Marty and Cookie Tarnok  
By:  The Tarnok Family

Thursday, September 7 8:00 AM  Marty Crowe (Birthday Remembrance)  
By:  Nancy Sweeney

Friday, September 8 8:00 AM Patricia Papio  
By:  Her Family

Vigil of The 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday, September 9 4:30 PM Randolph Boyle     
By: Susan Whitman

The 23rd Sunday in Ordinary

Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost Sunday, September 10

 7:30 AM Huguette Dumont   
By:  Marc Dumont
10:00 AM The People of the Parish