To be a catechist is to be of service to the Lord and to one another through the ministry of handing on the faith through witness, word, and example.  In many ways, it is a humbling ministry, for none of us is perfect nor knows all there is to know about our faith.  Yet in our imperfection, God calls us to “make disciples of all nations … teaching them to observe all I have commanded you.” Mt. 28:19-20  

     As a parish community, we should be eternally grateful to our Faith Formation teachers as they exercise their ministry here in St. Joseph’s faith community.  Co-directors Paula King and Annie Anderson, and teachers Karen Gallagher and Kathleen McDermott, not only lead our   catechetical program, but they do so effectively because they live their faith every day, bearing  witness to the    Gospel message in word and action.  As such – and in conjunction with their weekly classroom instruction – their students learn Christian values and spirituality, and incorporate them into their daily lives.

As we observe Catechetical Sunday on the weekend of  September 9 and 10, 2023, please join me in thanking our Faith Formation teachers for their faith-filled dedication to pass on the message of the Gospel and the teachings of the Catholic Church to our fine young students who achieve so much under their tutelage and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

With prayerful best wishes,

Fr. John Mahoney

 New Hampshire Highland Games & Festival

A celebration of Scottish Heritage

September 15-17, 2023             Loon Mountain Resort, Lincoln, NH