On April 10, 2024, the Diocese of Manchester added three priests to its list of clergy accused of  sexual abuse of a minor as part of its continuing effort and commitment to protecting children  and young people. The information, assignment histories, and additional resources are available  at

Reverend George Desjardins has been listed on the Restoring Trust website under the category  “Cases Concluded” for a report of abuse that took place more than forty years ago that was  received recently. Fr. Desjardins is alive and has been retired since 2002. He is prohibited from  ministry.

Reverend Matthew Schultz has been listed on the Restoring Trust website under the category  “Cases in Process,” which are cases involving living Diocesan priests, but where the canonical  proceedings are not yet complete. Fr. Schultz is prohibited from ministry. Out of respect for those  involved and because the case is still in process, no further information will be disclosed at this  time.

Reverend André Thibodeau has been listed on the Restoring Trust website of the Diocese of  Manchester as a Deceased Priest accused of sexual abuse of a minor for a report received after  his death. Fr. Thibodeau died in 2015. 

Law enforcement has been notified of the reports concerning all three priests. Whenever it  becomes aware of a report of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest, deacon, diocesan employee, or  volunteer, the Diocese ensures that the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office is notified,  even if the misconduct took place many years ago.

Anyone with information pertaining to sexual abuse in the Church is encouraged to make a  report to law enforcement. For information on how to report abuse, to request counseling or  other services, or to learn more about how the Diocese of Manchester works to create a safe  environment in all our ministries, visit